2009 Volunteer Maintenance Season Wrap Up

Spurwink Island Path

Gord Follett

Jan 21, 2010

2009 Volunteer Maintenance Season Wrap Up

Thursday, January 21, 2010

The volunteer maintenance 09 season ran from May to mid-November.

Outings were usually held every second weekend. All work was done on Southern Shore paths. The paid crew assisted the volunteer crew for a number of the outings, increasing the work done with the brush cutter and chain saw.

The data:
* 26 volunteer maintenance outings
* 22 regular volunteer outings
* 4 outings accompanying Sierra Club volunteers
* 1800 hours of volunteer time
* 10 paths worked on overall
* 5 paths completed for vegetation clearing
* 42 km of trail cleared (much of it heavy growth and trail blockages)

The John Ross Clipper Award goes to Greg Bennett
The John Ross award is given annually to volunteers who have shown great commitment to Trail maintenance activities for the 34 paths that run between Topsail and Cappahayden. This award was created some ten years ago in memory of John Ross who gave much of his time to trail maintenance. His clippers are on the large plaque that documents the award winners.

The award is based on criteria that include participation in maintenance, knowledge of the standards and practices that are required, and most importantly, enthusiasm and initiative to take on work that contributes to the maintenance of the Trail.

Greg Bennett is well known for his continued contribution to Trail maintenance over the years. He is a dedicated volunteer who has cheerfully put in many hours of work, demonstrates a standard of excellence that we are proud of, and has willingly taken on new tasks such as the brush cutter.

Greg’s input is thoughtful; his generosity exceptional. He is an excellent mentor, welcoming newcomers to the team and making sure that no one feels left out. And his baking skills exceeds the standards as well! Greg’s blueberry cake, gingerbread and carrot cake have all been shared equally amongst the hard working team, and appreciated! Congratulations Greg!

ECTA Reporter: Janny vanHouwelingen
Photo Credits: Maintenance photos by Janny vanHouwelingen and the end of season Chainsaw baked and photographed by Tali Smith.