Trail Protection

Sugarloaf Path

Destination St. John’s

Protecting the East Coast Trail is a shared responsibility.

Did you know the East Coast Trail is not protected by policy or legislation? This leaves the trail subject to many threats. With a growing demand for coastal land, it may not be here for future generations to enjoy – unless legislative protection is secured.

Why the trail deserves protection:

  • There are over 14,000 visitors completing over 65,000 hikes a year on the trail.
  • Non-resident hikers contribute over $3.5 million annually to the local communities along the trail, with tourism a key revenue source.
  • The trail provides recreational facilities to residents and visitors.
  • The trail is used for training and educational purposes by community groups including Girl Guides, Scouts, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award participants and distance runners.

What the trail needs protection from:

  • The long term sustainability of the trail is not a challenge that can be solved by the East Coast Trail Association alone.
  • Currently only 15 meters of coastline is protected under the Lands Act. This limit is not adequate or sustainable.
  • The trail covers private land and public land. Ensuring its sustainability is a complex and demanding legal challenge for a small charitable organization.

If you would like to help ensure the protection of the East Coast Trail, we encourage you to contact us, become a member of the East Coast Trail Association or make a donation.