
Spout Path

Calvin Tong

Volunteer Opportunities at the ECTA

Can your time and skills support the trail one or more ways?

Each year, the East Coast Trail depends on the dedication of many passionate volunteers, who:

  • Participate in trail maintenance outings
  • Lead ECTA public guided hikes
  • Serve as trail custodians, monitoring and reporting on path conditions
  • Coordinate and support the East Coast Trail Annual Trail Raiser
  • Support fundraising and business development activities
  • Serve on the ECTA Board of Directors
  • Support marketing, communications and outreach activities
  • Support member needs and coordinate meetings and events
  • Help match fellow volunteers to opportunities
  • Consult and advise on trail standards & safety
  • Consult and advise on trail land and legal needs
  • Offer office and administrative support
  • Contribute specialized expertise to innovative projects and initiatives

Current Vacanies

The ECT turned 30 years old in May 2024. We have delivered to market a world-class, destination wilderness hiking trail that is second to none in the world. Our challenge from this point forward is to demonstrate that we can sustain what we have developed. To achieve this goal, we need the support, expertise and commitment of a healthy volunteer organization.

So, if you love the ECT, and you want to give back, while expanding your horizons without changing jobs, this is your opportunity to support a good cause and make a difference in your community, a chance to work with a fantastic team.

We can offer you an enriching volunteer work experience that will make a positive change in your life, in any of the following committees:

  • Trail Management: Volunteer Maintenance Outing Committee Chair
  • Governance & Oversight:
    • Chair
    • Director (Accounting, Finance & Admin Oversight)
    • Director (Operations & Strategy Oversight)
  • Community Relations: Land Investigation Analyst
  • Volunteers & Membership: Guided Hike Leaders
  • Trail Protection: Committee Members
  • Stakeholder Relations: Committee Members
  • Legal & Corporate Secretary
  • Fundraising & Revenue: Committee Members 
  • Marketing & Communications: Committee Members
  • Finance & Administration: Committee Members

Board of Directors:

  • Vice President, Community Relations: Read more & apply here
  • Vice President, Fundraising and Revenue: Read more & apply here
  • Vice President, Marketing and Communications: Read more & apply here

Project Managers:

The ECT is seeking Project Managers to volunteer with the us. We are a project-focused organization, with the goal of long term success and sustainability, and to do this we must continue to grow and evolve our project management expertise. If you are a Project Manager, and you love the ECT, and you want to give back while expanding your PM horizons without changing jobs, then we have a volunteer opportunity for you. We offer learning and growth opportunities either as a stand-alone project manager or as a member of our executive team. So, if you are interested in making a difference in your community and helping us to achieve the sustainability of the East Coast Trail, then contact us to explore the possibilities and the potential to make a positive change in your life.

If you would like to apply to volunteer with the ECTA in general or for a position that is not listed above, please complete our volunteer form below to help us connect you with opportunities. Thank you in advance for your support!

Expression of Volunteer Interest

Are you an ECT Member?

I am interested in volunteering by: (Check all that apply)

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