AGM being held on Monday, October 3, 2011

Spurwink Island Path

Gord Follett

Sep 3, 2011

AGM being held on Monday, October 3, 2011

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Dear ECTA Members:
The Nominations Committee requests your help to identify and nominate potential candidates to serve on ECTA’s Board. We are in the process of recruiting new directors to serve a two-year term starting in late September. All nominations will be processed by the Nominations Committee. The slate of candidates who accept the nomination to stand for the Board election will be tabled at the AGM for the review and approval of the membership. The AGM is scheduled for Monday, Oct 3 @ 7:00 pm, at the Foran Room of St. John’s City Hall, at City Hall.

While we hope to attract candidates with diverse backgrounds and experience, there are a few areas in which we are in particular need of skill and ability:

– Fund Raising

– Marketing and Communications

– Human Resource Management

– Municipal, Business & Community Relations

– Finance & Administration

Please give our request some time and attention and, if possible, send us your suggestions for nominees and their contact information (telephone, email) by September 12, 2011. It is perfectly acceptable to suggest yourself! Send your suggestions to and enter “Attn: Nominations Committee” in the subject line. Similarly, if you have any questions about the Board, what we do, or what we are looking for by way of candidate, please direct them to the same email address.

We appreciate your time and consideration, and look forward to hearing from you.

Kate O’Brien
Chair, East Coast Trail Association

Supporting Statement:

The strength and long-term health of the Association is very much dependent on you, our members. You supply the volunteer skills, expertise and time that is essential for our survival. In addition, you help to provide the voice needed within our communities to address the challenges and influence the change required to build a 540 km trail. And as a member, in good standing, you have the right to stand for election to the Board, nominate other members to serve on the Board, and, of course, to vote for our Board at the AGM, if an election is required.

The decisions made by the Board of Directors influence every aspect of our Association. They set the policy, oversee our financial health, establish the priorities, define the annual scope of work, and they are responsible for keeping us on course and true to our beliefs. Your participation in the nominations process and the election at the AGM is a core, critical requirement of membership. You are entrusting the future of the East Coast Trail and the Association into their care. So, please exercise your right as a member and send us your list of nominees, people who you think will add value to Board and help make a difference. We look forward to your response and hope to see you at the AGM.