Annual General Meeting,
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Message from the Chair
Mark your Calendar – Annual General Meeting, October 10th
Please join us for the 2013 East Coast Trail Association – Annual General Meeting (AGM), Thursday evening, October 10th in the EB Foran Room, St. John’s City Hall. Arrive 6:30 p.m. for a 7:00 p.m. start. Meeting will conclude by 9:00 p.m.
The agenda will include reports on the past year’s activities, approval of the audited financial statements, and the Board election.
Our Constitution provides for a maximum fifteen-member Board.
As we approach the AGM the Board’s composition is as follows:
– 7 members elected in 2012 have one year remaining in their two-year term;
– 2 members whose term expires this year have agreed to stand for re-election;
– 1 recent nominee have agreed to stand for election;
– 5 vacancies
I invite you to give serious consideration to joining the Board to fill the three vacancies. As we move towards the 20th anniversary of the Trail in 2014 and implementing our new strategic plan, filling the vacancies is important to help us achieve the work ahead.
If you are interested in joining the Board or know a possible candidate, please send an email to , subject Nominations Committee” with your expression of interest/ contact information or the name/contact information of a possible candidate. Nominations are due by October 1st.
We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at the AGM on October 10th.
Ron Penney
Chair, East Coast Trail Association