Be Safe and Be Seen: Wear Blaze Orange while Hiking

Spurwink Island Path

Gord Follett

Oct 31, 2013

Be Safe and Be Seen: Wear Blaze Orange while Hiking

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Fall colours provide a special attraction to the Trail as well as a potential danger for hikers.

Hunting is allowed 7 days a week and there is no prohibition from hunting on the Trail.

The province determines the hunting seasons which vary annually by type of game and weapon: see the government website ( for dates.

Hunters are obliged to use reasonable care for the safety of other persons and not discharge a firearm within 1000 m of schools and playgrounds, and 300 m of a dwelling.

It is the responsibility of both hikers and hunters to use caution and prevent accidents.

The onus is on the hiker to Be Seen and Be Heard. A fluorescent orange-yellow vest or hat plus a whistle is highly recommended on every outing into the wilderness.

Three blasts on the whistle is the international signal for help. If you hear gun shots, use
your whistle to alert the hunter to your presence.

It is also a good idea for your dog to wear a blaze orange doggie vest and be hiked on a leash in the wilderness.

See our Hike Safely page for further safe hiking tips this fall, and enjoy this beautiful season on the Trail safely.

Story and photos by J. Van Houwelingen