Blackhead Maintenance in High Spirits
Monday, May 31, 2010
An intrepid group of outdoor enthusiasts headed out to Blackhead despite the call for drizzle and cloud.. for 5 hours of brushcutting and lopping, well 4 if you don’t include lunch at the Gulch. There were 8 of us. We had fog, we had blue skies, we had sun, we had fun and we had SUCCESS. (See pictures)
Got the high priority areas done between Cantwell’s Cove and Dummy Fort. And a great sense of satisfaction at having kicked off our season of maintenance hikes with a job well done.
Thanks to the gang!
Looking forward to Deadman’s Bay in two weeks.
News Story by: Janice Stein. Photography by: Janny VanHouwelingen and Janice Stein.