Custodian Orientation Begins
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Three new volunteer trail custodians accompanied Ed Hayden on his spring custodian hike on Sounding Hills Path Monday April 15. The sunny southern shore day saw our small troop examine and record trail blowdown, undergrowth, erosion, signage and structure wear and tear. Custodians walk their designated path spring and fall, recording problems and prioritys which are used to help determine crew and volunteer maintenance work for the season.
Aaron O’Brien, Chaz Andrews and Don Quigley are three of the eight new custodians in the program for 2013. The East Coast Trail Association has 33 paths that custodians monitor.
We climbed over or under 80 blowdown on the trail, partially cleaned up by volunteers. We enjoyed the view from the top of Sounding Hills and of Herring Cove Island. Kept a lookout for lost goats but saw none. Had our lunch on the rocks of Spout River, examining tube-case caddifly larvae in the rock pool. It was a successful and enjoyable day on the Trail.
Photos by Kristyna Adamova and J Van Houwelingen