NCC Conservation Area in Maddox Cove Protects East Coast Trail

Spurwink Island Path

Gord Follett

Jun 26, 2012

NCC Conservation Area in Maddox Cove Protects East Coast Trail

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Nature Conservancy of Canada has acquired an 11 acre parcel of coastal land in Maddox Cove, protecting a section of the East Coast Trail near the southern trailhead of the popular Cape Spear Path.

The NCC, Canada’s leading land conservation organization, works to protect forever, our most important natural areas and the species they sustain. This is their easternmost conservation property, and saves a headland on the Cape Spear Path where numerous sea and coastal birds roost and feed. This part of the “Fog Forest” is noted for striking 30 metre vertical cliffs above small beaches and sea caves as well as micro wetland areas in a coastal coniferous forest.

“This project represents a exciting milestone for the Nature Conservancy of Canada,” said Andrew Holland, who is responsible for communications with NCC in the Atlantic Region. “It is NCC’s easternmost land securement in the country and located in a incredibly picturesque area that visitors and residents have enjoyed for years. Now that we are protecting this remaining section of private land on the Cape Spear peninsula, we plan to involve the community in ongoing stewardship”.

The Cape Spear Path of the East Coast Trail includes the eastern-most point of North America with two lighthouses, a dramatic ridge from which whales can often be seen in summer, North Head with its broad ocean views, the abandoned 19th century site of Staffordshire, heath, gulches, woodlands, coves, an otter run, coastal erratics, a fen and a meadow as well as our now protected coastal forest with views of Motion Head and Petty Harbour.

To date, the NCC has helped conserve 12,222 acres in the province, including Grassy Place near Stephenville Crossing, headwaters of Robinsons River; Lloyd’s River Escarpment, home to the endangered Newfoundland marten; Sandy Point in St. Georges Bay, which includes piping plover habitat; and the Grand Codroy Estuary, an important bird area and Ramsar site.

Story and photos by J. Van Houwelingen