Snow Clearing Regulations: Doran’s Lane and Red Cliff Road

Spurwink Island Path

Gord Follett

Nov 18, 2011

Snow Clearing Regulations: Doran’s Lane and Red Cliff Road

Friday, November 18, 2011

The East Coast Trail Association wants to bring members’ attention to the snow clearing regulations in the Town of Logy Bay-Middle Cove-Outer Cove. See Snow Clearing Regulations – Effective November 14, 2011. Hikers should note the application Regulation 4 to the turning areas at the end of both Doran’s Lane and Red Cliff Road.


Further clarification of the Town’s policy appears in the Town’s Winter Newsletter and reads as follows:


“In the interest of road safety, it is council’s intention to tow vehicles only when they impede snow clearing and ice control operations.”


Hikers should also be aware that vehicles may be subject to towing if school buses are unable to navigate the turning areas or if the gate at the end of Red Cliff Road is obstructed.
The Association is working with the Town of Logy Bay-Middle Cove-Outer Cove to come up with a permanent solution to parking problems at Doran’s Lane and Red Cliff Road.


Geralyn Christmas

V.P. Land & legal Committee