Sustaining the East Coast Trail

Spurwink Island Path

Gord Follett

Jul 16, 2013

Sustaining the East Coast Trail

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Strategic Plan for 2013-2017

Through the strategic planning consultation process the East Coast Trail Association (ECTA) now has a refreshed vision, mission and values and goals and objectives to guide the work of the Association for the next five years.

Beginning in November 2012 and concluding at the end of April, the ECTA undertook the development of a Strategic Plan to guide decision making and clarify priorities for the next five years. Using a collaborative process of stakeholder engagement, the Strategic Planning Team (Chair – Ed Hayden, Geralyn Christmas and Randy Murphy) met with staff, board of directors, volunteers, tourism industry, local businesses and government. Members were engaged through an electronic survey and a special membership meeting where members were invited to provide feedback on the draft plan.

The result of this 6-month process is a five year plan, Sustaining the East Coast Trail: 2013-2017, which is now available on the East Coast Trail website. Identified in the plan are five strategic challenges critical to sustaining the trail for the future: communications, funding, trail management, volunteerism, and governance. With the issues now identified and goals and objectives outlined the next step is work plans – which are already being worked for year one – to identify the activities and tasks necessary to deliver on the goals and objectives.

Downland and read the plan
* Strategic Plan in PDF (small format 1.5 MB)
* Strategic Plan in PDF (large format 10 MB)

Photo Credits:
1. Cobbler Path (K. Scott)
2. Spout Path (T. Smith)
3. Spurwink Island Path (A. Yethiraj)
4. Bald Eagle on Beaches Path (A. Whittick)
5. Boots on Spout Path (T. Smith)