Volunteer Maintenance kicks off for Earth Day 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Volunteers came out in 2 degree mauzy weather Saturday to clean up plastic bags (mostly grocery bags) along a section of the Sugarloaf Path just downwind and downhill of the Robin Hood Bay landfill.
A group of MUN medical students, Global Health group, NAACAP and others age 18 – 65 joined the trail maintenance volunteers and made a big impact in the appearance of the trail. Approximately 60 huge bags of plastic were removed from the trees. Plastic dangling at the cliff edge remains as a reminder to all of us to reduce our use of plastic wherever possible. The fewer plastic bags we use — the less ends up in the environment.
Thanks to everyone for turning out for the earliest volunteer trail maintenance outing ever!
Thanks to Shelley Pardy and Jim Downey of Waste Management Division, St. John’s for their assistance.
Check Scheduled Hikes for trail vegetation control maintenance opportunitys coming soon!
ECTA Reporter: Janny VanHouwelingen
Photo Credits: Janny VanHouwelingen