On behalf of the East Coast Trail Association, we wish to share a big congratulations to Madeleine Florent on her recent SAM Steward Award. Madeleine has been fighting environmental issues and for the protection of sensitive and valuable areas within Torbay and beyond for many years.
Madeleine has worked with other Environmental Groups around the Avalon and many people have called on her for advice about setting up their own Environmental Groups. As well, her letters to the editor on various issues have been eye-opening for many and very effective in educating the public. She is an invaluable resource in maintaining a memory of and files on environmental issues affecting our municipality and beyond. She has devoted many hours to attending meetings with the government and community groups addressing issues such as blocked walking trails, quarry legislation, and others. Madeleine maintains a good relationship with SAM and other like organizations.
Madeleine continues to be active and effective within the East Toast Trail Association, particularly in the realm of assisting communities on the Avalon Community to incorporate protection of the East Coast Trail in their Municipal Plans. She has also been a dogged fund-raiser for the annual East Coast Trail Association Trail Raiser events and consistently places in the top four or five pledge earners.
Madeleine has served on the Torbay Beach Committee, which advises the Town of Torbay on ways of restoring this historic and oldest part of Torbay, and on ways of protecting it and preserving it for future generations.
For years she and her husband Georges took care of the recycling program in Torbay, clearing out the receptacles, storing the bottles and other recyclables in their shed, either sorting and bundling the materials and transporting them to the recycling depot themselves or organizing group sorting parties with other members of TETC.
More recently, Madeleine offered her vast knowledge and energy as a volunteer with the East Coast Trail Association. I have included here the words spoken by President Randy Murphy at the 2019 Volunteer Awards night when Madeleine was given the Flamber Head Award for Outstanding Volunteer Service.
Madeleine was elected to the Board of Directors in September 2013 and immediately joined the Land & Legal Committee. Madeleine’s focus has been on town planning processes; an expertise she developed as an active resident of Torbay and as a member of the Torbay Environmental and Trails Committee. Her knowledge and expertise in this area coupled with her exceptional research, analysis and communications skills have added significant value to the Association and served us well over the past 5 ½ years. Madeleine has taken the lead role in town plan revisions and amendments along the full length of the trail, as well as leading the charge on initiating and executing the Memorandum of Understanding process. The first town to sign up and lead the way was the Town of Torbay in 2014 and we signed MOU’s with nine more towns, the most recent being the Town of Bay Bulls.
Madeleine is a firm believer in the vision of the East Coast Trail. She understands the opportunity it presents, as well as the long-term value it offers to our trail communities, the region and our province. In addition, Madeleine is an avid fundraiser, together with her friends the Torbay Coyotes, participating in the annual fundraising hike the “Trail Raiser”. Madeleine takes every opportunity to promote the Trail Raiser in all town meetings and is currently in the process of reaching out to all the Towns along the trail to enter a team in this year’s hike. Madeleine is an exceptional volunteer who has added value to our lives and is helping the Association seek the dream of an East Coast Trail as a preserved and protected resource for future generations.
-Randy Murphy, President, ECTA
Madeleine continues to be active and effective within the East Coast Trail Association, particularly in the realm of assisting communities on the Avalon Community to incorporate protection of the East Coast Trail in their Municipal Plans. She has also been a dogged fund-raiser for the annual East Coast Trail Association Trail Raiser events and consistently places in the top four or five pledge earners.
I have never known such a fighter for the environment and protected areas within Torbay and the province. She brings enormous dedication, attention to detail and passion to preventing degradation of the environment and preserving the quality of life provided by our natural environment. I truly believe our town would be much poorer without her vigilence on behalf of the environment and the residents who benefit enormously from her tireless efforts. Please consider Madeleine for this year’s SAM Steward Award.
-Robbie Hicks, Torbay Environment and Trails Committee (TETC), member ; Torbay Environment Advisory Committee (TEAC), member and former chair, long-time ECTA volunteer
Join us a heartfelt congratulations, Madeleine!!!