
Bay Bulls

Destination Canada

Check out our news section for updates about the East Coast Trail.

TLC for the Trails

TLC for the Trails Monday, July 15, 2013 Maintenance crews and volunteers have been hard at work since the spring and early summer clearing damage from last year's storms and doing maintenance and enhancement work to keep the East Coast Trail in good shape. During the...

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Hiking Survey Underway

Hiking Survey Underway Monday, July 8, 2013 The ECTA is conducting a survey this summer beginning July 15th and running to October. Interviewers will be stationed at a selection of trailheads to find out who is using the trail, which paths are being used the most, and...

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Summer Solstice Feeding Frenzy

Summer Solstice Feeding Frenzy Friday, June 21, 2013 On the evening of June 21st as hikers gathered at Cape Spear for the ECTA Solstice Hike, the parking lot was packed with spectators as the ocean was wild with gannets and humpbacks having a feeding frenzy on the...

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Another Successful Spring Cleanup

Another Successful Spring Cleanup Monday, June 10, 2013 Twenty-two volunteers turned out on June 8th for the annual "spring cleanup" of a small section of the Sugarloaf Path near the Robin Hood Bay landfill site. The group collected more than 40 large bags of litter,...

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Volunteers needed for our Spring Plastic Bag Cleanup

Volunteers needed for our Spring Plastic Bag Cleanup Saturday, June 8, 2013 The beautiful Sugarloaf Path officially opened in the Fall of 2007. Many people know that this path's biggest challenge is that a section of it runs along side the Robin Hood Bay waste...

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Volunteers Acknowledged and Thanked: Awards Night

Volunteers Acknowledged and Thanked: Awards Night Tuesday, April 23, 2013 We would be nowhere without our volunteers says President Randy Murphy, and as exceptional partners in this venture, you are helping to make the dream come true. Hundreds of kilometres of fresh,...

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